Adobe Flash Player For Mac Doesn't Work

Don't blink or you will miss the 3 second Flash video that confirms your Flash plugin is working. If Flash plugin is missing, install from the second link below. If Flash is working on the Adobe verify page, but fails on other pages, test at a different network, such as a Starbucks, Safeway, Library, bookshop, etc. If it doesn't work consistently and properly, then it ain't worthy of any stars. need a minus-star above. As with some many other reviewers, my MacBook Pro 'hates' Adobe Flash Player.

  1. Download Adobe Flash Player For Mac
  2. Windows 10 Adobe Flash Player Not Working
  3. Flash Player Won't Work In Windows 10
  4. Adobe Flash Player
  5. Adobe Flash Player For Windows 7

How to I turn on Flash Player? When I go to the download site for Adobe the banner says that I have flash installed. Then I go to a website that I know has flash and it says “This site requires that you have flash player.” I have already tried re-formatting to no help.

Wow. Reformatting sure seems like overkill for a problem like this. Reformatting’s a pretty major step, and not something I’d recommend without investigating things deeply.

I’m not sure what might be the problem in your specific case, but I can tell you this: there’s at least one excruciatingly simple reason that Flash might not show up on many web sites, even though you’ve installed it.


In a word: javascript

For Safari on Mac OS, see Enable Flash Player for Safari. For Google Chrome, see Enable Flash Player for Chrome. For Opera, see Enable Flash Player for Opera. We saw that there were some questions today related to Flash Player 10.3 support for Mac OS X Lion (10.7) related to hardware video acceleration. To avoid any more confusion, we wanted to clarify: The final release of Mac OS X Lion (10.7) provides the same support for Flash hardware video acceleration as Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6). Aug 10, 2012  Question: Q: Adobe Flash Player is installed but doesn't work I have a Mac with OS X 10.7.4. I have uninstalled and re-installed Adobe Flash player several times.

Javascript (not to be confused with Java) is a computer programming language most commonly used to add dynamic functionality to web pages.
Web pages are written first in HTML, which is considered a mostly “static” descriptive language, meaning that HTML is most often used to describe the layout and other characteristics of how a web page should appear. Javascript (and dynamic HTML) adds the ability to define the behavior of a web page – things that the web page itself can actually do all by itself, without needing to communicate back to the web server (although it can if desired).
Javascript is considered a “scripting” language. While the term is somewhat vague, it generally means that Javascript is a programming language used to augment some other environment, such as the display of HTML-based web pages in your web browser.
Most common browsers come with the ability to run Javascript.
Examples of Javascript include most current web-based email clients, which allow you to browse and edit email without needing to reload the web page for every step of the process.
(Click on the term for full definition.)

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What most sites don’t tell you is that yes, you need Flash installed, but you also need JavaScript enabled. This might not be true for all sites, but it’s certainly true for the vast majority using Flash that I visit.

In my case, I run the FireFox extension “NoScript” which disables javascript

Javascript (not to be confused with Java) is a computer programming language most commonly used to add dynamic functionality to web pages.
Web pages are written first in HTML, which is considered a mostly “static” descriptive language, meaning that HTML is most often used to describe the layout and other characteristics of how a web page should appear. Javascript (and dynamic HTML) adds the ability to define the behavior of a web page – things that the web page itself can actually do all by itself, without needing to communicate back to the web server (although it can if desired).
Javascript is considered a “scripting” language. While the term is somewhat vague, it generally means that Javascript is a programming language used to augment some other environment, such as the display of HTML-based web pages in your web browser.
Most common browsers come with the ability to run Javascript.
Examples of Javascript include most current web-based email clients, which allow you to browse and edit email without needing to reload the web page for every step of the process.
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>Javascript on all sites, except for those that I explicitly allow. So each time I visit a new site that uses Flash, I get the message “You must install Flash”, when in fact all I need to do is tell NoScript to enable Javascript. Doing that the page and Flash video work just fine.

In most cases, Javascript is enabled by default. But just in case, let’s review how you turn on Javascript in IE7 and in FireFox.

Enabling Javascript in IE7

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, and then click on the Security tab. This dialog should result:

Download Adobe Flash Player For Mac

Click on Custom Level…. In the resulting dialog scroll down until you see Active Scripting:

Make sure that Active Scripting is set to Enable.

Enabling Javascript in FireFox

Click on the Tools menu, and then the Options menu item. Click on the Content tab and you should see something similar to this:

Make sure that Enable Javascript is checked.



In my opinion, Javascript is not risky, unless you’re regularly visiting risky or questionable sites, so I typically recommend people go ahead and run with it enabled. However, we’ve even recently seen a theoretical scaryvulnerability

A vulnerability is a bug or design flaw in software that allows that software to be used in some malicious and unintended way.
All software has bugs, which are nothing more than mistakes made in the design or implementation of the software. Bugs can take many forms, from simply displaying something improperly, to crashing the application or entire machine.
When a bug can be intentionally triggered and in turn exploited for malicious purposes, that bug is termed a vulnerability.
The results of exploiting a vulnerability may have nothing to do with the software’s primary purpose. All that matters is that the vulnerability can somehow be used by malware – typically to infect the machine on which the software is running.
(Click on the term for full definition.)
'>vulnerability in most routers that could be exploited via some malicious Javascript, so I might consider rethinking that stand.

As I mentioned above, I recently started using NoScript, an extension for the FireFox browser which makes managing Javascript on a per-site basis a snap. Javascript is disabled on all sites except those you specifically allow. When you visit a site, you can quickly and easily add it to the allow list or return it to the block list with just a couple of clicks.

You can do roughly the same in Internet Explorer by adding sites to the “Trusted Sites” list, but the advantage of NoScript is simply ease of use. Literally a couple of clicks to add or remove a site from block list, and you’re on your way.

Active6 years, 11 months ago

I have had Flash installed for sometime but it no longer works in Safari. At least not for me. Other accounts on this (shared) Mac can still use Flash in Safari. Furthermore, Flash still works for me in Firefox.

If I go to the About Flash Player web page in Firefox it tells me 'You have version 10,3,183,10 installed'. However, going to the same page in Safari shows me the missing plugin box instead. So I presume this is a Safari configuration issue, but I can't find anything related to Flash.

System Preferences > Flash Player tells me 'Plug-in version is installed.'

I have uninstalled and re-installed the Flash software without making a difference.

My OS is Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30), the version of Safari is 5.0.6 (5533.22.3).

Windows 10 Adobe Flash Player Not Working

Obviously the workaround is to use FireFox when I want to do something which requires Flash, but Safari is my default browser on the Mac, and this is just a real pain in the neck.


1 Answer

Flash Player Won't Work In Windows 10

Install Perian, Adobe Flash Player and Click-to-Flash. Restart.

Adobe Flash Player


Adobe Flash Player For Windows 7

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