Adobe Flash Player Is It Safe For Mac

DO not install Flash from anyplace but here (bookmark this page in your browser)

Adobe Flash Player For Mac

IMO, Adobe Flash has only gotten worse and worse over time. The majority of the responsible sites are moving away from Flash, and it is still an incredible security risk, and extremely vulnerable. Just say 'No'. Adobe Flash Player and Reader are some of the most popular Web plug-ins, and as a result malware developers commonly use them as a disguise for their programs. The recent Flashback malware is one. If Flash or Reader plugins are enabled, Adobe will prompt users to download and install new updates with automatic update notices. However, it's a good idea to always doubt the validity of automatic software update notices, especially those for Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Reader. Apple has updated the XProtect security system in Mac OS X to block all versions of Adobe Flash Player prior to This was done in response to a critical security update released by Adobe, fixing a vulnerability that was being exploited in the wild.

There are a lot of 'tricks' out there that try to get you to install Flash (or other plugins) and it's a trojan, or bad software that looks like it's ok to install.

This online check will assist to make sure your browser plug-ins are up to date, unfortuntly it's on Mozilla's site, but it works for all browsers

It's ok to install Silverlight if you need it, it's used for Netflix (bookmarkt this page in your browser)

Outside of that, Perian, Flip4Mac and VLC are pretty safe if you need to install them.


Adobe Flash Player Is It A Virus

Please backup your personal data

Published April 29th, 2014 at 6:12 AM EDT , modified April 29th, 2014 at 6:12 AM EDT

Adobe has released an update to their Adobe Flash Player software, which evidently had a vulnerability that was actively being exploited on Windows. There is no indication that this was being exploited on Mac OS X, but since the vulnerability was present in Flash for Mac OS X as well, all Mac users who have Adobe Flash Player installed should immediately update.

Note that the only legitimate place to download Flash is from, or by using Flash’s automatic update feature. Never install Flash by clicking a pop-up on a website that tells you Flash is outdated and needs to be updated!

Tags: Flash Player, vulnerability